Tetra Pak unveils recycling collaborations and investments ahead of Earth Day

In the run up to the Earth Day (22nd April), Tetra Pak is highlighting some of its recent recycling initiatives that are helping to keep valuable materials in use and out of landfills. These initiatives are part of the investments that the company has been making for decades, to support collection and recycling infrastructure across the world, growing the number of recycling operations handling cartons worldwide from 40 in 2010 to more than 200 today.

According to the World Bank, global waste is predicted to increase 70% by 20501, unless immediate and significant action is taken. Despite its essential role in feeding a growing global population, food packaging can add to the issue if not properly collected and recycled.

Tetra Pak's recent collaborations are focused on creating additional recycling capacity, increasing collection rates and ensuring that materials from post-consumer beverage cartons can re-enter the economy.

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