Taking Bearings on a New Year

Don Meadows, Editor

Another calender year has nearly come to an end. Psychologically, we are preparing for a new beginning, though in reality little changes in the seconds before midnight on New Year’s Eve and the seconds afterward.

On January 1, 2008, we will still be challenged by a weakened U.S. dollar, a depressed housing market, rising energy costs, trade imbalances with China, global warming, a potential inflationary economy, and other lingering concerns.

But even if it’s a mental trick, it’s nice to take a fresh look at our sector or sectors of the business world, hopeful and optimistic that we will succeed regardless of the myriad challenges we encounter in the coming year and years beyond that.

Take a deep breath, set lofty goals, and stride forth with confidence.

For the holiday season we wish you joy, happiness, and togetherness. Take time to be with family and friends. Take a break from work and regain balance in your life.

For the New Year we offer encouragement, best wishes, and even companionship as we journey the road together.