So, you think you can do it?

Jim Thompson, CEO

So, you think you can do it?

A version similar to this appeared in Capital Arguments, 15 Oct 2021. It received so much positive feedback, I decided to expand and use it here.

When I was in the 5th grade, our school introduced us to musical instruments. We were encouraged to rent our instruments at first, and then if we were interested, purchase them. My parents rented a trumpet. After the appropriate trial period, I was thinking about quitting. At that point, my dad bought a Harry James rendition of "The Flight of the Bumblebee." In those days, he had to go to a real record store to find it on real vinyl. You have probably never heard of Harry James. Here he is playing Flight of the Bumblebee in 1940.

I still have the trumpet, but I never learned to play it like Harry James.

There is a dangerous movement going on in major capital projects in North America these days. A certain company, in the last quarter century, has become well known for building mills efficiently, economically and quickly. As a consultant, not an employee, I have been associated with that company, on every mill they have built.

Now, others are entertaining hiring me as a consultant to help them, these other companies, build mills with the same aplomb as the first company.

I tell them it won't work, after which I usually don't hear from them again.

They think I am insulting them or "picking my home team" (the first company). Not so.

This is where Harry James and "The Flight of the Bumblebee" comes in. Do you think Harry James strolled in one day, picked up a trumpet and played "The Flight of the Bumblebee"? How many years of practice did it take for him to get to the level of perfection in the recording?

What these other paper companies are wanting to do is just walk in and figuratively pick up the trumpet and belt out "Flight of the Bumblebee." Instead, they may end up like this.

Schedule is very important. Did you notice how long it took Harry James to play the perfect version of "The Flight of the Bumblebee" and how long the second dance was? My second example is more than twice as long at Harry James' rendition, and someone even gets fired in the middle of it.

In these examples, this may be entertaining and funny. In real life capital projects, such experiences can be costly and career changing.

It is no secret that the first company mentioned is now building their sixth mill. What most may not realize and realize how valuable it is, is this: that company has kept the same team intact from mill one to the mill they are building now--#6. It was a pleasure to watch this teamwork--on mill #5, it didn't even look like they broke a sweat. These team members know each other, know what each other thinks, know their own jobs and their teammates' jobs. They know their vendors (and their vendors know them). This is not something that comes easily or quickly.

Not that you were, but don't worry about me... when these Johnny-come-lately's let their egos get in the way of common sense and plow ahead without an experienced unified team, promising their boards the same results as produced by others, I have sometimes been asked to be an expert witness in the massive lawsuits that ensue. It has happened more than once, and I have made an excellent living in the lawsuits as well.

But for the sake of the industry, for the sake of your shareholders, and to uphold your fiduciary duty, quit letting your ego convince you that you can, without years of practice, play "The Flight of the Bumblebee" like Harry James.

Jim Thompson is CEO of Paperitalo Publications.


Get Jim Thompson's "Monograph on Purchasing." Available here.