So, what did you learn from Covid-19?

Jim Thompson, CEO

So, what did you learn from Covid-19?

It appears a vaccine for Covid-19 is just around the corner. You have modified your workforce habits, procedures and protocols during Covid-19. What will you institutionalize and make permanent from this experience?

It appears from anecdotal evidence that overall, colds and flu have been diminished by procedures put in place during this time. Absences due to these relatively minor illnesses are still expensive. Is there anything to be done that will keep these at a low level of incidence?

Some have kept all but essential personnel out of control rooms. Perhaps this is a policy that should a permanent one?

There are things to watch out for, too, as we exit this period. I suspect some will be quite giddy and carefree as they come out of this time. Nothing wrong with being lighthearted if it does not take one's mind off the need to continue to operate in a safe manner. Some may feel they have "made it" and it is time to let loose and be free. This could be a problem for safety awareness.

Jim Thompson is CEO of Paperitalo Publications.


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