RMR Mechanical acquires George H. Bodman, Inc.

RMR Mechanical is excited to announce the acquisition of George H. Bodman, Inc. as of Thursday, September 23, 2021. Going forward, the consulting entity will be known as Bodman Services LLC, a subsidiary of RMR Mechanical. Bodman Services LLC is a reputed industry leader in their field with over 34 years of experience offering a full range of consulting services for chemical/vapor phase/mechanical cleaning applications. The acquisition has brought another area of expertise to current and future customers of both RMR Mechanical and Bodman Services as the enhanced business plan aligns perfectly with RMR Mechanical's target market within the pulp & paper, utility and process industries.

Going forward, RMR Mechanical can offer boiler chemical cleaning as a stand-alone consulting service or enhanced service that can include mechanical preparation, subcontracting chemical cleaning services and other services to support the boiler cleaning operation in one contract. On projects where RMR Mechanical is onsite for mechanical work, this service mix can be combined into a single contract for the outage, simplifying the contractual management of the project for mill or plant personnel.

RMR Mechanical remains an industry leader as an industrial boiler and mechanical contractor. Industry analysts believe that this acquisition will lead to enhanced credibility for RMR Mechanical as the company will boast special expertise in boiler maintenance, repair and retrofits as well as expertise in chemical/mechanical cleaning consulting services.

Contract RMR at http://rmrmechanical.com/ or call 770-205-9646.

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