Resolute to Increase Pulp Capacity at Thunder Bay Mill

Montreal, Quebec, Canada 08 Nov 2018 -- Resolute Forest Products will invest CAD42,5m to increase pulp capacity and energy efficiency at its Thunder Bay pulp and paper mill in Northwest Ontario. The mill has an annual capacity to produce 535,000 metr.t of pulp, newsprint and specialty papers.

According to a statement by Resolute, CAD14.3m will be invested in the pulp capacity increase. CAD14.7m were earmarked to improve energy efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Resolute also expects to spend CAD13.5m in major maintenance at the facility in 2018.

The investment package also includes CAD11m to increase capacity at the company's sawmills in Northwest Ontario.

Close to 90% of the new pulp and lumber capacities will be destined for export markets, informs Resolute. More than half of the overall expenditure of roughly CAD40m is slated for Q4 2018.


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