Quit Rocking the Boat

James R. Thompson, Executive Editor

By the time you read this, the U.S. debt ceiling limit issue will have manifested itself in some way or the other. Writing a few days ahead, it is impossible to determine what the government will do. We can say this, however: all Western governments, in the past three years, have managed to show such ineptitude that business managers, investing real money, the only kind they have, are at a loss as to the business climate.
Governments, in a panic, keep trying different ideas to induce growth. The problem is really much simpler than that -- just provide a stable, predictable environment and get out of the way. Businesses can figure out opportunity when financial and business climates are predictable. This will result in business expansion, and, hence, hiring. Right now, matters are about like the old army joke, "We don't have time to stop and reload, just keep shooting."
Think about it for a minute.

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