Not Business as Usual

Jim Thompson, CEO

Not Business as Usual

Nothing was normal about last year. We all know this. Nothing is normal so far about this year. I have a project which requires me to travel to the Pacific Northwest every month. Back in February, there was no traffic at the Atlanta Airport, and I could park anywhere. By April, it was like days of old--impossible to find a parking place.

What does this have to do with your business? Plenty. All indications are that all businesses, including the pulp and paper industry, are not returning to "business as normal." Supply chains are out of sync, some need more sooner, some need less sooner--and this is across the board, from paper, boxes, electric motors, and on to transportation.

So, from supplies and maintenance materials to orders and demand for your products, the old rules are out the window. And I don't have to tell you about finding employees--nearly impossible. Paperitalo's employment full of jobs worldwide that the industry is attempting to fill.

When will things return to "normal"? Maybe never, maybe there is a new "normal." If our customers get used to fast-paced reactions, that may just be the new way to conduct business. If I were you, I would plan on it, for it may turn into a strategic advantage for the long haul.

Jim Thompson is CEO of Paperitalo Publications.


Get Jim Thompson's "Monograph on Purchasing." Available here.