Let your voice be heard

Steve Roush, Publisher and Editor

Ladies and gentlemen, if you live in the United States, you’re undoubtedly aware that the 2012 General Election is less than a month away.

When I drive to town, I see a multitude of political signs. When I check my mail, almost without fail, there is a political mailer or two from candidates wanting me to vote for them or send them money. When I turn on the television, I see commercials from office-seekers who “approved this message,” and, of course, there are the “robo-calls.”

Last week, I had the opportunity to be a media panelist of a local candidates forum, where area residents had a chance to hear directly from candidates running for various offices. Of course, we gave the candidates a chance to make opening and closing statements, but during the majority of the event, we asked them questions that gave the voters a chance to really see what they stand for and what they think is important.

In the U.S., the presidential race has captured headlines, but it’s important to know where all candidates stand on important issues.

In our industry, and in the private sector, it’s good to know where candidates stand on environmental issues and regulations, where they stand on helping industries grow and succeed by allowing them to compete, where they stand on individual and business taxes, where they stand on energy, and so on.

If you don’t know exactly where candidates stand on important issues, ask, find out.

It’s been said over and over again, but when Election Day comes and goes, voters will get the government they deserve. And it’s been said that an informed voting public is essential for a working republic.

Find the information you need, and let your voice be heard.


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