Green Jobs

James R. Thompson, Executive Editor

So many things are described with "green" as an adjective these days one can turn green (a noun) from the nausea.

"Green jobs" is perhaps the most popular lexicon of the day, using green as an adjective. There is only one definition of a "green job" that is "sustainable" (how is that for getting all the BS lingo in one sentence?). A lasting green job is one that turns out real green, as in U.S. dollar bills in this country, for the employer. For if a job does not produce invoice printer spinning in excess of the check writing it costs, it is not long for this world. Even police departments have figured this out (Why do you think they are out in force writing tickets? Public safety is the politically correct cover).

A job, without subsidies, must produce a profit for the employer, otherwise it will not exist. I say "without subsidies" because (a) if subsidies exist for a particular job they are simply a transfer of wealth from one party to another for political reason and (b) subsidies, because they are politically not reliable (even President Obama is talking about "freezing" parts of the U.S. budget, obviously for his own political expediency) are not sustainable.

As I was writing this, a friend wrote the following to me on an unrelated question I had posed to him. Surprisingly, it fits right in here: "...Sustainability advocates are 'price deniers.' They stand in opposition to many, if not most, of the principles of the enlightenment, the reformation, constitutional democracy, and individual freedom. They are central planners and are diametrically opposed to the concept of spontaneous order in society and economics. Perhaps 100 million people, perhaps more, were murdered during my lifetime by people that advocated sustainability and social efficiency in lieu of floating prices and the spontaneous order of individuals into ever changing ad hoc associations. Unfortunately, the denial of floating prices and individual freedom is a mainstream world view. It is taught in our universities by the tenured professors, bombards us from the media, and erodes confidence in our industries and very civilization..."

Why is the world experiencing high unemployment? The answer is simple. The employers found out the employees did not have "green jobs" in the sense of providing a profit for them. If and when employers can figure out how to have real green jobs, in the context here, they will take a risk and hire people.