Disconnected Comparisons

In this issue of Disconnected Comparisons, we evaluate Avery Dennison (AVY) and Resolute Forest Products (RFP). A USD 100 investment in AVY on 4 January 2002 would have been worth USD 906.34 on 13 May 2022; a USD 100 investment in RFP on 4 January 2002 would have been worth USD 39.13 on 13 May 2022; and a USD 100 investment in the PM40 on 4 January 2002 would have been worth USD 438.39 on 13 May 2022.

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Avery Dennison (AVY) is a NYSE traded company. Their Web site is averydennison.com.

Resolute Forest Products Inc (RFP) is a NYSE traded company. Their Web site is resolutefp.com.