Casper Danielsson new press officer at Södra

Södra has appointed Casper Danielsson as the new press officer. He is responsible for Södra's proactive, ongoing and reactive press work nationally and internationally.

Casper Danielsson has previous experience as a journalist and communication consultant. He has worked as a news director and editor at the newspaper Expressen, and has also been a reporter at Barometern-OT's editorial office in Kalmar. He most recently came from a job at a communications agency in Stockholm.

- As a company, Södra creates value for our members, customers and employees. But we also create value for the general public through the forest industry's positive contribution to climate change. It is an increasingly important dimension of our communication and here Casper is a welcome addition, says Maria Baldin, communications and sustainability director at Södra.

Casper took office as press officer on January 1.

- The forest is a central part of solving the climate issue and Södra is well equipped to continue to lead the way to future forestry. Not least thanks to the commitment and innovative power of the members and within the group. This is an exciting assignment and I look forward to raising issues that are important, he says.

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