Reader's Comments


Re politics. You do skirt the edge, but it wouldn't be you otherwise. Most of your audience can tell where you stand (versus Travis) and relates from this.

George Mead
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin



This is a capital intensive business. The things that are elected representatives do that impact how capital markets work. How are manufacturing plants can be operated. Are all important and legitimate topics for discussion.

What the next great idea for easily removing water from the sheet is important too, but just now what are elected leaders are doing is more important.

I do not think you have gone too political. I also hope that 6-8 months from now you have returned to more traditional topics like how to supply ink to the invoice printer.

Thomas J. Clark
Birmingham, Alabama



No, not at all. You should keep addressing the serious issues that face the industry; to do anything else is to fiddle while Rome burns. And yes, in my view when you address those issues you need to look at all factors, including those arising from the societal and "political" frameworks we find ourselves in. Of course from the point of view of we outsiders (aliens as your customs people so charmingly call us) it is good if you are not always too US-centric in this analysis. But maybe you have to be focused on the areas of the planet with "old world" (= unprofitable?) P&P industries and contrasting them with the locales and nations which are winning the battle for supremacy - eg China. I don't know, but do respect your judgment on what gets highlighted.

Keep up the good work


John Reid
Kinleith, New Zealand


Yes Jim, too political. We can refer to The Weekly Standard or The National Review to get that kind of commentary. I see you trying to make relevant political points regarding our industry, however, the paper industry's problems are systemic, and a result of decades of mis-management and wishful thinking. That crosses all political boundaries.

Although you probably get many emails regarding politics after stoking the fire on current events, I think your mission should stick to re-branding the paper industry and fixing the broken business model. Your publication is about the only frank discussion I can find on that topic. Diluting it with Obama or legislation only dumbs down the conversation like everything else in Washington. Bureaucrats or lobbyists are not going to solve the industry's problems. Your readers are.

Might I suggest yet a third blog/newsletter about the topic since you seem to enjoy the opportunity to address what's going on in government. And don't get me wrong, it does affect the industry, but I think it is only a distraction to the competitive and relevancy issues we face.

Steve Sena
Cincinnati, Ohio


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